Story Detectives!

Image of Story Detectives!

A character from a well-known story had come into our school today and left some clues as to who it could have been! Year 2 were set the challenge of being story detectives and used the 4 clues, one at a time, to think about which story they could be from. After the first clue of the sticks, we…

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Cranesbill visit Kents Cavern

Image of Cranesbill visit Kents Cavern


On Wednesday, Cranesbill class spent the day at Kent’s Cavern in Torquay. The children enjoyed a variety of activities in the morning, including completing the ‘Palaeo trail’ in the forest, and having the opportunity to handle some Stone Age artefacts. The children then spent the afternoon in…

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Stepping back in time

Image of Stepping back in time

Today Buttercup class stepped back in time thanks to Newton Abbot museum.  To help us think about life in the past we handled a range of artefacts and discovered their purpose.  We were surprised at some of the items, especially the hot water bottle, and all agreed that we preferred the modern…

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Harvest Festival

Image of Harvest Festival

Year 4 went to Kingsteignton Church to learn all about Harvest. They took part in 5 different activities which related to harvest. We even got to bring home our own boats and clay pots! 


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Roast Dinner

Image of Roast Dinner

As part of our design and technology work, we have prepared and cooked a roast dinner! We discussed which vegetables we like and which we wanted to include in our roast dinner. We then researched the cost of each ingredient needed for a roast dinner using a supermarket website.

On the last day…

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Paignton Zoo- Year 6

Image of Paignton Zoo- Year 6

We had an amazing time at the zoo today! 

We felt very grateful that Paignton Zoo offered schools the opportunity to visit the zoo for free to celebrate their 100 year anniversary! 

We had a brilliant time learning about endangered species, stomping over the wobbly bridge, learning about the…

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Paignton Zoo Rainforests trip Y5

Image of Paignton Zoo Rainforests trip Y5

Year 5 had a fantastic trip to Paignton zoo today to celebrate then end of our first topic together this year, Rainforests.

We fare very grateful that Paignton Zoo offered schools the opportunity to visit the zoo for free to celebrate their 100 year anniversary! 

The children explored some…

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Black history month

Image of Black history month

This afternoon we continued learning about Black History Month when sharing the story of Marcus Rashford. We learnt his families often relied on food banks as he grew up and how that influenced his later life. Rashford worked to ensure all children had enough food to eat when schools were closed…

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Black history month - Alma Woodsey Thomas

Image of Black history month - Alma Woodsey Thomas

This week we’re celebrating black history month by looking at historical figures! So far we have read about Ella Fitzgerald, Rosa Parks and today Alma Woodsey Thomas. 


Today we focused on Thomas’ art work after reading about her life. The children discussed what they could see in her art…

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Open the Book: Jesus and the Tax Collector

Image of Open the Book: Jesus and the Tax Collector
Today we welcomed 'Open the Book' into school, who along with some children in Y1 and 2, performed a story about Zacchaeus called ‘Jesus and the Tax Collector’. Zacchaeus was not kind to the people at the beginning and hurt many feelings, but through Jesus he saw the error of his ways and changed…
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Up, Up and Away!

Image of Up, Up and Away!

In order to fully embrace our Geography Big Question of, 'What goes on at an airport and train station?', our hall was set up as an airport for today! The children bought in their hand luggage cases and were ready to board Kingsteignton School Airways! We went through the whole process of an…

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Monster pizzas

Image of Monster pizzas

Yesterday, a Monster named Sam from our focus book ‘where the wild things are’ entered our classroom! After reading some of our book, and looking at the different monsters from the book, we decided to make our own monster. The children used half a bun, tomato purée, mozzarella cheese, peppers,…

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