History & Geography Subject Lead

Mrs Armstrong

Mrs Armstrong

Subject Lead

We currently use Learning Challenge Curriculum (we sometimes refer to this as LCC in school) as a basis for our units of work. These units sequence learning in an exciting and meaningful way. The units have been developed to ensure that we cover all the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum. You will find details about your child’s learning and their units of work on Long Term Plans and Medium-Term Plans which can be found under curriculum planning on the school website.  

We often link key Literacy texts to our topics and develop cross-curricular links. Where possible, this helps children to become fully emersed in the topic.  

Each unit will be introduced with a knowledge mat which outlines the key learning, key vocabulary and sticky knowledge (the knowledge we want the children to remember from this unit of work). Teachers make the lessons fun, engaging and enjoyable. Knowledge mats for each unit are sent home (via email) at the start of each half term so that parents can share the key vocabulary and knowledge with their child.  

All classes will have an ‘LCC’ board in their classroom which will display key learning and vocabulary. Classes also have a ‘black book’ which shows their learning journey through the school. These are passed on each year to the next year group. 

DfE Programme of Study - History

DfE Programme of Study - Geography

History / Geography Curriculum Documents



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