Order your school uniform direct through School Trends...

All children are expected to wear school uniform

Our school uniform is:-

Uniform with the school logo can be ordered directly through School Trends

  • Purple school sweatshirt or cardigan. (This does not have to have a school logo on...but there is no problem if it does!)

  • White polo shirt or short sleeved shirt.

  • Grey/black shorts/trousers/skirts/pinafore dress.

  • Black or grey socks.

  • School shoes must be worn to school. These can be black/brown sensible shoes, not trainers. Children may bring a pair of trainers to change into at break and lunchtimes, should they wish.


During the warmer months:

  • Children can wear purple or lilac gingham dresses. (Wearing white socks with these is absolutely fine.)

  • Children can wear sturdy sandals which support their feet and have a back on them. (Flip flops are not allowed.)



  • Plain white T-shirt or T-shirt with school logo (no football shirts)

  • Plain dark coloured shorts

  • Black or grey sock

  • Plimsolls or trainers

  • A plain dark coloured tracksuit may be worn in cold weather

Children are asked to come into school wearing their PE kit on the days they have PE.

Swimming: children will need a swimming bag & towel and either swimming trunks / shorts or a one-piece swimming costume.


  • Children are not to wear nail varnish or make up to school.

  • For health and safety reasons, children with long hair need to have their hair tied back during the school day.

  • All children need to have sensible haircuts. Children’s hair must not be dyed.

  • Children can wear watches.

  • For health and safety reasons, children wearing earrings must only wear studs. These are to be restricted to one stud per ear and must either be removed or taped for PE and Games.


During the summer months the children are encouraged to bring a hat and sun cream, (which they can apply themselves). Parents might consider using ‘day-long’ sun cream which can be applied before school. Sun cream must be of a high factor to protect their skin. Please be aware that certain sun creams do contain nut oils. We ask that these brands are not bought into school as we have pupils and staff with severe allergies.


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