Weekly Wake Up Wednesday Posters.

As a school, we actively promote, encourage, and model the use of the internet in both a safe and positive manner. The online safety narrative is carried through both the Computing and wider curriculum.

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In each year group, from Year 1 to Year 6, the children undertake an Online Safety unit as part of the Purple Mash Computing scheme of work. This ensures that the importance of Online Safety stays fresh in the minds of the children as they move through the school. Their knowledge and understanding of this are built up year on year.

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Online safety is also linked to PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) lessons, which is taught through the use of the Jigsaw scheme of work. PSHE lessons are focussed on empowering young people to understand their minds and to build positive relationships with themselves and those around them. This focus on mindfulness extends to the children’s online activities too and links between PSHE and Online Safety are made clear to the children. 

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Additionally, as a school, each February we take part in Safer Internet Day. Safer Internet Day is an annual event that aims to raise awareness about online safety and promote responsible internet use. During the week that encompasses Safer Internet Day, the children take part in a variety of activities that shine a light on the online safety message.

Online safety is an important issue, and we are committed to ensuring our pupils are as appropriately informed about these as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about keeping your child safe online, please do get in contact with your child’s class teacher who will be able to help signpost you to where you can find additional information or help.

Look out for our Family Learning courses which will also deal with online safety issues.

The government’s online safety advice. Provides information and videos for children and parents. Reports of inappropriate online behaviour can be made through this site.

Provides information for children and parents.

Online resources promoting e-safety (for children and adults).

Information on the age restrictions applied to entertainment content.

For further information around Safeguarding in Devon

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