Be Internet Legends Day!

Image of Be Internet Legends Day!

Today, we joined the team at Google for a live assembly to learn how to be an Internet Legend! Being an internet legend includes learning how to be safer, more confident online explorers. This year, Be Internet Legends Day focussed on wellbeing – helping children think about how being online makes…

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Bethlehem Bake Off

Image of Bethlehem Bake Off

Over the last few days, Buttercup and Primrose class have performed the Nativity, 'Bethlehem Bake Off'! With our very own Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood tasting bread and birthday cakes made by the angels, wise men and shepherds, it made for a great watch! We were so proud of each and every Year 2…

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A visit from St Nicholas...

Image of A visit from St Nicholas...

This week, the children in Primrose Class received a visit from St Nicholas. After looking at our lovely gifts, we found out about who St Nicholas was and heard some stories about him. What an exciting start to the day it was!

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Theatre Alibi

Image of Theatre Alibi

What a treat Theatre Alibi were, as always! This time, we received a rather large and strange parcel... The children gathered in the hall to investigate. To our complete astonishment, it turned out that there two people living in the parcel! Through a fantastic performance, we learnt all about the…

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Why is Christmas important to Christians?

Image of Why is Christmas important to Christians?

The children in Primrose Class enjoyed a Christmas Experience at St Michael's Church today. There were 5 different stations that allowed the children to explore the Christmas Story that Christians believe is so important. This involved learning about the preparations Christians make, the important…

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Meeting Florence Nightingale and a Modern-Day Nurse

Image of Meeting Florence Nightingale and a Modern-Day Nurse

On Tuesday, the children in Primrose Class had some very special visitors. One of them was Florence Nightingale and the other was a modern-day nurse! They began their visit by doing a wonderful talk about life as a nurse for Florence and comparing this to life as a nurse now. The children asked…

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A day in the life of a Victorian...

Image of A day in the life of a Victorian...

In Year 2, we recently stepped back into the times of the Victorian era to kick off our Florence Nightingale big question. We all got dressed up into all sorts of Victorian outfits. We had a whole range... from chimney sweeps, maids, poor boys, rich school girls and even a policeman! We started…

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