Cranesbill Easter experience
Year 3 had a wonderful morning visiting St Michaels Church for their Easter experience. The children learned about the Easter story and had time for reflection of their feelings at certain times. We thought about loneliness, when we might feel lonely and what we can do to support others who may be…
Ancient Greek Day
Year 3 have had a wonderful day kickstarting or Ancient Greek day with a wonderful followed by an acting workshop where the children visited an Ancient Greek market. The children loved this experience and were absolutely fantastic and getting into different roles.
We spent our afternoon…
Cave art day
Year 3 had a super fun day learning all about cave art. We used charcoal for our outlines and made our own paint using different spices. We made our own individual pieces and a whole class piece which showed modern day items in the style of cave art.
Cranesbill visit Kents Cavern
On Wednesday, Cranesbill class spent the day at Kent’s Cavern in Torquay. The children enjoyed a variety of activities in the morning, including completing the ‘Palaeo trail’ in the forest, and having the opportunity to handle some Stone Age artefacts. The children then spent the afternoon in…